This Week in Psychedelics

Promising data from Mindbio; a bipartisan effort to provide psilocybin to military vets; American Medical Association favors decriminalization.

June 14, 2024

This Week...

Mindbio reported secondary data from its first take-home microdosing depression trial using a titratable form of LSD (in microdoses) called MB22001.

Data from MindBio's Phase 2A Depression trial indicates improvements in a range of secondary outcome measures following an 8-week treatment course with MB22001. This includes a 52% reduction in anxiety and 40% reduction in depression. 

Previously released data reported improvements in MADRS Score (Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale) indicating an overall 60% decrease in depressive symptoms at the end of the treatment period and a 53% complete remission from depression. 

The Company is currently assessing the durability of the antidepressant response of MB22001 at 1 months and 3 months post treatment cycle. Here’s more:

Bipartisan California lawmakers filed legislation to authorize a pilot program that would provide psilocybin treatment to military veterans and first responders.

Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones (R) and Sen. Josh Becker (D) unveiled the Heal Our Heroes Act on Thursday. It was introduced as an amendment to an unrelated Senate-passed bill that’s currently on the Assembly floor.

The move comes weeks after a Senate committee effectively killed a broader bill that would have legalized psychedelic service centers where adults 21 and older could have accessed psilocybin, MDMA, mescaline and DMT in a supervised environment with trained facilitators. Check it out:

The American Medical Association (AMA) voted to support eliminating criminal penalties for drug possession for personal use at the annual House of Delegates meeting in Chicago on Wednesday.

The delegates voted 345-171 to adopt the new policy, which superseded language in an AMA Board of Trustees report calling for the association to "continue to monitor the legal and public health effects of state and federal policies to reclassify criminal offenses for drug possession for personal use."

The revised language from the AMA's reference committee took a much stronger stance, calling for "elimination of criminal penalties for drug possession for personal use as part of a larger set of related public health and legal reforms designed to improve carefully selected outcomes." Here’s more:

Did You Know?

Did you know that Whole Foods founder John Mackey credits psychedelics for his business inspiration? 

As reported in Fortune, Mackey recalls how each one of his psychedelic journeys was a revelation.  It started when he took acid with friends at 19, while studying at Trinity University in San Antonio.

“It knocked me off my life path” of becoming a doctor or a lawyer at the behest of his mom, he recalls. “I had an awakening to the fact that there’s a deeper spiritual reality…I started reading Eastern religions and Eastern thinkers.” He began studying philosophy at the University of Texas, “seeking the meaning of life.” 

Several years later, while on MDMA at a New Age gathering in Austin, he recalls, “I realized—and I’ve never forgotten—that love is the most important thing in life. There’s just nothing that compares to it…And so that caused me to want to create a more loving culture and Whole Foods.” Next came devotion to the New Age bible A Course in Miracles, getting seriously into meditation, and, decades later, after reading Michael Pollan’s How to Change Your Mind, going on a guided MDMA-psilocybin trip to help Mackey through the transition of leaving Whole Foods.

You can read the entire article and interview here: